improving safety for all road users



Ford approached Designworks to develop a unique Emoji Jacket as part of their ‘Share the Road’ safety campaign for road users. Our technology innovation team developed a jacket platform capable of visualising rider emotions and intentions that allows cyclists to communicate with drivers around them improving their safety.

To achieve this, our skilled engineers and model makers collaborated with the team at Ford developing a display and visualisation system able to take inputs from the rider through the handlebar mounted control system. These inputs are translatable into simple emojis displayed across 720 individually addressable LED’s on the rear of the jacket. The individually addressable LED’s clearly show drivers what the rider’s intentions are improving safety and visibility. Universally recognised Emojis have become fundamental part of how we communicate, allowing riders to express themselves quickly and clearly.

Designworks and its partners have created a first of its kind jacket that will further help show how tensions could be eased and safety improved as well as improving the relationship between riders and drivers.
